Contagions rise to confinement levels - The Opinion of Zamora

By : ujikiu / On : 18/02/2023

The minute by minute of the coronavirus crisis follows here

According to the data provided to the Ministry of Health, of the 1,153 positives, 61 have been registered in Andalusia, 424 in Aragón, 12 in Asturias, one in the Balearic Islands, seven in the Canary Islands, one in Cantabria, five in Castilla-La Mancha, 211 in Catalonia, one in Ceuta, 37 in the Valencian Community, 23 in Extremadura, 12 in Galicia, 199 in Madrid, 28 in Murcia , 41 in Navarra, 88 in the Basque Country and two in La Rioja.

In addition, nine deaths have been registered in the last week (two in Castilla y León, four in Catalonia, one in the Valencian Community and two in Madrid), reaching a combined figure of 28,441, according to official figures. Compared to this Tuesday, the Ministry has incorporated five new deaths.

In the last seven days there have been 427 hospital admissions (126,690 in total): 40 in Andalusia, 145 in Aragon, one in Asturias, six in the Balearic Islands, twelve in the Canary Islands, two in Cantabria, one in Castilla-La Mancha , 19 in Castilla y León, 31 in Catalonia, one in Ceuta, 34 in the Valencian Community, eight in Extremadura, ten in Galicia, 75 in Madrid, six in Murcia, 19 in Navarra, 16 in the Basque Country and one in La Rioja.

Also 21 in Intensive Care Units (ICU), for a total of 11,764: four in Andalusia, two in Aragon, two in the Balearic Islands, two in Castilla y León, three in Catalonia, one in the Valencian Community, two in Extremadura , one in Galicia, three in Madrid and one in Murcia.

The Government relaxes the restrictions

Despite the increase in cases in Catalonia, the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, explained to the US channel CNBC that "microsurgeries" are being used to contain the outbreaks, so he has rejected talk of the community as a dangerous place to travel to.

This Wednesday, the Government has announced a "relaxation" of the mobility restrictions "relaxation" of the mobility restrictions that affected six municipalities in the Segrià region and the city of Lleida, after the rebound in infections, considering that during these last 15 days the measures adopted "work" and that a "decreasing trend" and a "stabilization of the epidemiological curve" can be certified.

Infections rise to lockdown levels - Zamora's Opinion

In addition, the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has provisionally annulled the closure of cinemas and gyms agreed by the Generalitat, although its opening is subject to compliance with the health protocols for the prevention of the coronavirus, but on the other hand, it maintains the discotheque one in force.

Ups and downs in Aragon

In Aragon, the ups and downs in the number of infections have led the authorities to modify the shifts and vacations of health professionals to strengthen the system and prepare it for epidemiological developments, which the autonomous government considers that it leaves "disconcerting incidents".

In the last 24 hours there has been a notable increase in cases in Teruel, with 93, due to the almost fifty positives registered in a nursing home in Burbáguena. Currently there are 45 outbreaks in residential centers in this community, with 112 infected elderly people.

Despite these figures, the Minister of Health of Aragon, Sira Repollés, has decided to maintain the current measures and phases, assuring that in the most affected regions they are "giving results".

Controversy in Madrid

The Community of Madrid already has thirteen outbreaks after notifying Sanid/tags/sanidad.htmlad this Wednesday of two new outbreaks with a total of 28 cases and 84 contacts under follow-up. Most of these outbreaks are related to the family environment and cocktail bars.

For this reason, it has decreed that banquet halls and nightlife venues must keep a register of clients to facilitate the monitoring of possible cases

In addition, after the barrage of criticism registered, the Madrid regional government has specified today that the controversial COVID-19 primer is not an "immunity passport" as had been announced, but a registry.

Researchers consulted by Efe have assured that this primer has no scientific basis and can cause relaxation in the face of the virus in part of the population, as well as they have recalled that a similar model was already advised against by the WHO. In addition, they have stressed that there is not enough knowledge about immunity.

Residences returned to the spotlight this Wednesday by alerting the Dependency Care Business Circle that half of the communities do not have a contingency plan for these centers and not all of them have equipment reserves of protection for a month.

These are some of the conclusions of the study "Are we prepared for COVID?", which indicates that only Catalonia is at the green level of adequate preparation, while Cantabria, the Basque Country, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and The Valencian Community is in orange, and Galicia, Asturias, Navarra, Aragon, Madrid, Extremadura, Andalusia and the Canary Islands are in red. Murcia, La Rioja and the Balearic Islands have not provided data.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has insisted on his executive's commitment to defending Spain's tourist interests and has recognized the effort that this sector and the hotelier are making to adapt to the new conditions of prevention against to the coronavirus.

He has regretted the decision of the British Government to demand quarantines for tourists from his country who come to Spain and has expressed his "support for the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, which are the main emitters of British tourists", after influencing in which the Government works "incessantly" so that the United Kingdom reviews this "totally misaligned" decision.

For its part, given the evolution of infections, the Red Cross has reintroduced in response to outbreaks the emergency measures typical of the first months of the pandemic, such as the opening of residential resources for people who are positive or in quarantine, spaces to do PCR and the launch of awareness campaigns.