Gandy, on the warpath | Fashion |

By : ujikiu / On : 09/04/2023

Su nombre es David Gandy pero probablemente lo recordarás como el 'chico de los calzoncillos blancos' del anuncio de 'Light blue', el perfume de Dolce & Gabbana que lo catapultó a la fama. Su oficio, modelo; y su lacra, ser hombre en una industria en la que las mujeres llevan la voz cantante. Así lo ha denunciado en una entrevista con el diario británico Daily Mail en la que Gandy ha arremetido contra las desigualdades de género que situán a los modelos masculinos "muy por debajo" de sus colegas femeninas en cuanto a prestigio y salario.

"It is a fact that women earn much more than men in this industry and, while the 'top' fly first class or 'business', the boys travel by tourist", lamented the British model who, although it is true who receives much less (her annual salary is around 600,000 euros) than the profitable Gisele Bündchen (30 million in 2011), is well aware of her fortunate position: "As I said, we are privileged, we do not save lives or dedicate ourselves to surgery ."

An attitude that precisely puts the highest paid model in the world in the face: "I don't get along with Gisele, we can't see each other, we argue and we don't enjoy working together. I will never get along with anyone who takes things for granted or thinks that is special."

Gandy, en pie de guerra | Moda |

The criticisms did not end there. The model pointed out that the other big problem men face in fashion are the 'celebrities' who are increasingly gaining ground on male models. "I wish Beckham, Jude Law or Brad Pitt would just stick to their job. It's hard enough for us so give us a break, guys," joked Dandy, who declares himself a fan of the British footballer's publicity work. Because it was not all reproaches to the industry, in the interview the model also talked about his career and had words of admiration for his partner Kate Moss and the designer Stella McCartney.