Nanas, the work that makes the work of the home advisors visible

By : ujikiu / On : 23/03/2023

On a white and bright white catwalk they model five women.They carry costumes manufactured from brooms and headdresses made of the typical cleaning yellow cloth.In the first round, music takes the pace of their steps and they seem happy to show their locker room from different angles.In the second pass, the song becomes more intense and wraps to the models, which walk as if the body weighs them.In the last appearance, music is overwhelming and it can be seen that they are definitely not models: they are "nannies" that are crawling on the catwalk with their costumes made of cleaning elements.

The life of these five home advice becomes visible in Nanas, of the Chilean playwright Leonardo González, who was awarded in the National Dramaturgy exhibition 2015 for a pension in Yungay.The work, which premieres this April 5 in Matucana 100, tells the difficulties of two Chileans, a Peruvian, an Ecuadorian and a Dominican, seeing themselves face to domestic work in Santiago.In the same space, which symbolizes the different houses where they work, you can see scenes of work, physical and emotional abuses by their employers.

"Without a doubt, we show that nobody chooses it for pleasure.That they are women who have had problems in their lives or certain shortcomings that have forced them to exercise in this, without having another alternative, "says Ana López Montaner, director of the staging and the company that presents it in Chile, Interdram.

The assembly has the support of the 2017 Regional Fondart, which made local production possible.The cast is made up of Claudia Cabezas, Sofía Scharger, Ignacia Aguero, Nicole Waak and Francisca Mendoza.

Start point

Nanas, la obra que hace visible el trabajo de las asesoras del hogar

Although it was released last year, the work was written in 2012.At that time, Leonardo González was 24 years old and was going to Mass every Sunday in the parish of the immigrant, steps from the Bustamante Park.As soon as the liturgy ended, a group of domestic employees gathered to talk about their labor problems.The playwright was interested in his stories and came to tell them that he wanted to hear them.

"The problem is that there was no conductive thread, because they told many of their problems and not a story," González recalls.Finally, the day -to -day life of these women was their inspiration, to which the stories of members of the Union of Private House Workers (Sintracap) were added.."There is a lot of fiction," he concludes, "but all the emotion of the work has to do with all those stories".

Soon, González began competing with Nanas.First, he participated in Literature 100, from Matucana 100, where he was one of the winners, which meant for his work a "good reception".Then, in 2014, he won the Municipal Literature Award of Santiago.

But it was in New York that his great opportunity arrived: the Lamicro Theater company, founded by Chileans Berioska Ipinza and Piero González, was interested in carrying out a staging of his work.

Más sobre Teatro

The big Apple

González's piece had its debut last year at the Iati Theater, in full Manhattan."The public received the work very well.We had the room full of all the functions, "says Ipinza.

"We just did it at a very difficult political moment, for Trump's campaign and the laws proposed on immigrants.Then, the public was very related to the theme, "says Tatiana Pandiani, director of the work in the USA.

Although the dramaturgy is written in Spanish, Lamicro Theater was responsible for projecting English subtitles, which helped all the public to understand it, and thus attract more spectators.

After his first function, on June 22, 2017, the Chilean playwright tells him that a member of the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors Awards (Hello) and told him he could be nominated."I totally forgot, until the nomination of the awards appeared," he says."It was a very pleasant surprise and it was even more when we won in better dramaturgy and best cast.".

Nanas has also been nominated for Latin Alternative Theater (can) in six categories, including the best production and best drama direction, as well as the Independent Theater Artist Awards (ATI): Best Production, Best Directorate and Best Main Actress.

Due to the New York success of Nanas, the company will make a second season, starting next December.They will continue with the same cast, direction and production, but this time the functions will be in the Tea Theater, of the same city.

Before that, Nanas will be from April 5 to Matucana 100.Shortly after, on the 19th and 20th, they will take place in the same theater presentations only for women, managed by the purple house (both days at 8 pm.).The first is only for members of the National Federation of Private House Workers (Fesintrac), while the second will be open for all who wish to attend.After the presentation, there will be a conservatory guided by sociologist Florencia Insunza, specialist in domestic work and their relationship with women.


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