Where is the talent?: The time of digital employment platforms

By : ujikiu / On : 12/10/2022

"We cannot increase the company's payroll due to the crisis, but we have to think creatively and innovatively and we realize that many of the challenges we have ahead require a talent that we do not have in the company today".These were the words of a human resources director who confessed his frustration for the disadvantages of the company regarding future talent.How are companies doing in the world and in Argentina to jump the barriers of the inertia of the organization itself?

It is estimated that by 2030 more than 60% of world workers will be freelancer, according to an article by Harvard Business Review published this year.Freelance work begins to normalize as a viable option for many people to be more owners of their time and, for others, as an additional income option to work in dependency relationship.In a recent survey in the United States to companies, 90% of those consulted considered that these platforms will be central to compete in the future.

To achieve projects in freelance format, various platforms that compete for talent and projects through different value proposals have appeared in recent years.LinkedIn recently announced that it would incorporate functionalities to facilitate the hiring of professionals in this format within its own platform.Talent and companies have more and more options, and what seemed like the future of work begins to become the present.

Although Covid brought chaos, it also accelerated processes that had been slowly and organic for years, among which there were many related to the way we worked.Office's remoteization, the use of tools to articulate decentralized and asynchronous work and, the digitalization of processes, favored many companies to begin to be more open to the incorporation of talent on demand to meet specific needs.

¿Dónde está el talento?: La hora de las plataformas digitales de empleo

International platforms such as Catalant, Innocentive, Kaggy, Toptal and Upwork grew exponentially during pandemic.But they are not all the same.In the GIG economy, various platforms have appeared to channel different needs: platforms to reach the talent “Premium” as experts in niche markets, super specialists in strategic data sciences or executives and even interim managers.A second type of platforms is the one dedicated to freelancers workers for specific and mostly technical jobs.Finally, other types of platforms focused on solving innovative problems from a crowdsourcing platform.Innocentive is leader and pioneer in this area where companies post problems and users with specific knowledge try to solve them.

Why are these platforms relevant?Because they answer the questions that companies are asking with a view to the future: how do we access talents difficult to find?What are the positions and roles that have changed?What are the new required capabilities?What are the works that freelance employees can do better and more efficiently?.

Freelance talent platforms have evolved from simple to complex;just matchear candidates with open positions to generate additional value for employers and work search engines.Today, many include support for the company such as Freelance.

What can we find in Argentina?Two platforms in the country attract attention.

Seeds/ We sow talent, it is a platform that was born in 2019 and its founders are young engineers of the ITBA.His proposal is clear: to have the best freelancers in Latin America to develop projects in multinationals and foreign companies.The Seeds focus is broad covering more technical issues related to programming, product and design, but also getting into business through strategic consulting, operations and human resources.According to Ian Teperman (Founder and Head of Product), they make sure they get the best talent with strict income validation processes, almost as much as the one that runs as employees as employees to multinational companies.Of those who run to be seders, only enter between 15 and 20%."We validate people through trials of culture, skills, interviews and minimum experience requirements," he says.They seek that the freelancers recover the advantages of being a traditional employee (co -workers, additional benefits, coworking, etc..), but being able to choose when and how to work.

Workana, is a leader in the local market.It is a remote work platform, online and freelance.One of its founders, Guillermo Bracciaforte, asserts that “the world of work is changing and we are part of that transformation.We saw it in the pandemic and in postpandymia it is clear that much of the talent will not accept the conditions they had before the same.We accompany that change and promote it ".Workana is today a leader in Latin America and Spain and unity in Southeast Asia is the fastest growing."We receive more than 70.000 new freelancers records every month, but only 4% is accepted to be part of the platform.We seek to have the best independent talent, ”says BracciaForte.

The company has only 355 in Argentina.000 freelancers.The country's base grew more than 45% since the pandemic began.The demand on the side of the companies grew stronger for associated tasks web development and applications, design and UX and digital marketing.Administrative or customer support searches also grew.

The acceleration of the changes that the pandemic brought is leaving all perplexed and attentive to what will come.We may be witnessing the end of the work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the office to go to work in an agile and flexible way, with independent talent taking control over their time and choosing what and when to work.Platforms are helping the dream of many to work independently, be a reality.