The Nation The influencer Florencia Méndez spoke before accusations against him

By : ujikiu / On : 17/08/2022

The famous influencer and travel blogger Florencia Méndez, better known as “Mr..Méndez ”, was a trend in social networks not precisely for showing her latest tourist destinations, this time she is under the magnifying.

Great stir caused this news on Twitter when users began to share images of the identical garments that she promoted as her exclusive designs and at an inaccessible price, on the Shein page, a Low-Cost clothing chain of Chinese Chinese origin of Chinese.

The blogger of intense activity in social networks and with more than 40 thousand followers presented on his Instagram his entrepreneurship under the name of “Srita.Méndez Brand ”, online bathroom costume store, was quickly written by many profiles that even treated it as a scammer.

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La Nación La influencer Florencia Méndez se pronunció ante acusaciones en su contra

Many users of the virtual platform were outraged and after having noticed similarities in the products they began uploading photos to the network trying to clarify the theme, a fact that generated all kinds of reactions.

After the great impact that this event had, Florence spoke about it issuing a statement in which he announced that he eliminated from his account all the products that were not designed by her or in which he has not worked personally.

Apologized to all the people who were affected by the purchase of these garments and offered the return of the money."I also assume the responsibility of the mistakes that I could have committed during this period, and I also apologize for what could have affected any of you," said part of the statement.

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Regarding prices, he said that it is a very sensitive issue and that depends on many variables, in terms of the products that were designed by it, and created together with designers and illustrators, the price was analyzed several times before going on sale.

Florence took advantage of the space to thank the people who did not judge it and gave him support, and pointed out that behind each influencer there is a family, friends and suppliers, he added that his time will be taken to answer each question and take care of the clients of the clients of thebrand.