INMODA RD promotes fashion by giving students sewing machines

By : ujikiu / On : 04/12/2022

SANTO DOMINGO ESTE, RD.- As a way of promoting fashion design in the country, the Fashion Institute of the Dominican Republic delivered sewing machines to young students of the Community Higher Technical Institute of San Luis, who were also given lectures on useful topics for the future of their careers.

During the award ceremony, Isabel Reynoso, president of this institution, urged young people to follow their dreams, for which they are provided with this tool, vital for their entrepreneurship and professional growth.

In the same way, machines were delivered to students of the Eugenio de Jesús Marcano Fondeur Polytechnic, in the San Antonio de Guerra municipality, where five deserving students who dream of being great fashion designers were benefited with the distribution.

52 girls from the Hogar Escuela Doña Chucha received design and sewing kits as part of their “Sewing of Dreams” project.

INMODA RD promotes fashion by delivering to students sewing machines

Right there, two practical workshops were given: one on fashion illustration and the other on basic sewing, in order to reap the passion and creative spirit for fashion in the girls of this emblematic place.

A note from INMODA RD says that to close the year 2021 with a flourish, 5 web pages were raffled and delivered to Fashion Design entrepreneurs with a view to boosting their sales and visibility in the market.

“From INMODA RD we thank a series of institutions for the support received, such as the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, pro-Dominican, among others; to continue working to make the Dominican fashion industry a Caribbean HUB, create more jobs and wealth that contribute to the GDP of the Dominican Republic”, adds the note.