Domecq, Palazuelo, Figueroa, Osma ... The young aristocracy marks the rhythm of elegance
The 2020 was not a good year for elegant lists: there was neither desire nor events to wear a model.But in 2021 it seems that things change and celebrities are encouraged to put some color to a reality that is already quite gray.
To try to close in style this summer, the reason has had some of the most important fashion voices in our country to prepare the list of the most elegant women and men in Spain.The designers Álvaro Castejón and Arnaud Maillard, founders of the firm Alvarno, one of the most respected Spanish fashion houses nationally and internationally;Manuel García, creative director of the firm García Madrid (one of the references in male fashion);The journalist and businesswoman Yolanda Sacristán, founder of The Beauty Newsroom and former director of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar;Cristina Reyes, stylist with clients such as Isabel Preysler, Lucía Villalón or Rosanna Zanetti;And Carmen Lomana, who is, without a doubt, one of the most elegant women on the planet and one of the ones who knows the most elegance, have formed, together with the writing of this newspaper and the profiles of our social networks, the jurythat in recent days he has voted to choose who should be part of this ranking.
The winner has not been much discussed, and there are few who do not agree that Inés Domecq is possessing a style that has devastated our country.Just take a look at the most important weddings of this summer to check how everyone wants to emulate the looks that the current Marquesa de Almenara, founder of the firm IQ Collection looks.
And she is just one of the young aristocrats we found in our list.Sofia Palazuelo, Duchess of Huéscar;Lulu Figueroa, daughter of the count of Romanones;Sassa de Osma, daughter -daughter.In addition, we must add the presence in third place of Queen Doña Letizia, and Naty Abascal, mother of the Duke of Fair, who has been raised to our ranking thanks to social networks, which continue to consider it as a reference whenThere is talk of elegance.
Along with them, the model and presenter Nieves Álvarez;actress Bibiana Fernández;The influencer Gala González, and Almudena Lapique, nephew of Cari Lapique, form the best of homeland fashion, according to our jury.
If we talk about men the thing is more distributed.Actor Quim Gutiérrez stands with the first place in our ranking, but the king, Felipe VI.The Jon Kortajarena podium completes, which with its third place places the fashion sector with the bronze medal.
Of course, in the total computation it is the designers, stylists and models that sweep: in addition to the Basque top, the designers Juan Avellaneda and Manolo Blahnik, the journalist and stylist, Josie, and the PEPE Barroso JR model.They make it clear that fashion experts also know a lot about elegance.
In addition to Gutiérrez, Alex González is the other actor who appears in our ranking, thus drawing the world of interpretation with that of the aristocracy: in addition to the king, the Duke of Fair, Rafael Medina, has also had the approval of our jury.The world of sport only manages to strain a representative: this is Álvaro Odriozola.Donostiarra's right side has managed to consolidate as a style reference and it is not uncommon to find it in the list of the most elegant.
Finally, from our list we can draw one conclusion: we only find one couple and that is neither more nor less than that formed by Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, in second and third position respectively in their rankings, which are confirmed as the most elegant coupleof our country.