The works of La Rotonda begin with As Pedrosas
The voice of Galicia
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26 ene 2022 . Actualizado a las 21:04 h.WhatsappMailFacebookTwitterComentar ·The provincial deputy of Infrastruturas, Gregorio Agís, together with the councilor of Silleda, Manuel Cuíña, supervised on Wednesday the beginning of the works to improve road safety in the EP-7201.A project includes the construction of a roundabout in the surroundings of the cemetery and carballeira de As Pedrosas to regulate traffic in this area, with the creation of a pedestrian path.
The action plans to create sidewalks of 2.5 meters wide, along with high pedestrian crossings and the elimination of the current catwalk.The project has an execution period of five months and the investment of 252.000 euros.
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